Responsible investing

At Aegon, we're committed to responsible investment and believe that the way we invest your savings can make a meaningful difference, both to your financial future and the world we live in. Investing in well-governed companies that monitor and manage their environmental and social impacts well, may help contribute to better long-term growth potential for your savings. By using our expertise and influence, we can help encourage positive change, helping to contribute to a fairer, more sustainable society for us all.

Watch our short video below to find out more about our approach to responsible investing.

What is responsible investing?

Responsible investments consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors to gain a better insight into companies. This helps minimise associated investment risks, while also identifying opportunities for potential growth.

Click on each panel to find out more.

Our approach

At Aegon, we have a strong track record as a provider of investment strategies that consider ESG factors within their investments.

We've over 30 years' experience managing responsible investments and have over £23 billion invested in funds that consider ESG1.

In 2019 we committed to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for our pension default fund range by 2050 and to a 50% reduction in emissions by 20302.

We've pledged £500 million by 2026 to climate solutions - investments that directly contribute to climate change mitigation and/or adaption, such as investment in renewable energy.

We're a signatory of the UK Stewardship Code - a set of 12 principles that sets high standards for responsible investment on behalf of UK savers and pensioners. 

UK Stewardship Code

Collaboration is key to driving change, so we’ve signed up to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment and joined initiatives like the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC).

Principles for Responsible Investment logo
IIGCC logo

We offer a range of funds that consider environmental and social factors, designed to suit your investment preferences.

1As at 31 December 2023
2Measured using carbon footprint across our full range of default funds. Emissions targets don't apply to individual funds. 2030 emissions target applies to scope 1 and 2 emissions from listed equities (shares) and corporate fixed income (bonds) only.
3Carbon footprint defined as tonnes of CO2 equivalent per million pounds invested calculated using 'Enterprise value including cash' (EVIC). Climate data is supplied by MSCI, an investment research firm, and based on available funds and available scope 1 & 2 emissions reported, verified or estimated for June 2023.  

There are four key themes that we consider as part of our approach.

Click on each panel below to find out more.

Responsible investing for workplace pensions

If you don't choose where to invest your workplace pension contributions, you'll automatically be invested in your scheme's default fund. We've committed to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for our pension default fund range by 2050, and in 2019 pledged a 50% reduction in emissions by 20302

By June 2023, we'd made significant progress, reducing our carbon footprint by 29% across our default funds3, and over £23 billion (as at 31 December 2023) of the money managed within these funds now considers ESG factors. But there is still much to do to achieve our net-zero goals.

Click on the links below to find out more about our key default funds and their approach to responsible investment.

The value of investments may go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you invested.

Find out more

Little boy and his father gardening in spring

Our guide to responsible investment

Our guide to responsible investment

Female leaning out of moving vechicle window with hair blowing in the wind


Your investments and the climate emergency

mature woman walks on a path through the countryside in the late afternoon

Funds that consider ESG

Browse fund options that consider ESG

two happy loving men with a toddler outside in the late afternoon sun

Policies and approach

Our responsible investment policy

a mother lists her toddler overhead while they're outside in a grassy field

Sustainability at Aegon

Why sustainability matters to Aegon