We’re committed to supporting you with financial wellbeing research and resources you can use to help your employees feel more in control of their money. Through financial education, they could have the freedom to make choices that allow them to enjoy life both now and in the future.
Resources and research for employers
Discover how to take a successful approach to financial wellbeing with our practical and research-led guides and resources.
Aegon and Centre for Economics and Business Research report
In the latest research by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), they quantified the costs of poor financial wellbeing for employers.
Both monetary concerns and mindset can have a negative effect on financial wellbeing, resulting in higher costs for employers. It shows the importance of developing employees’ financial resilience, particularly with the current cost of living crisis.
The business case for financial wellbeing is clear – this report includes statistics and results that can provide evidenced support for your financial wellbeing programme.
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) also has insight on employee financial wellbeing.
Second 50
We’re exploring life after 50, or what we’re calling the ‘Second 50’.
Life after 50 isn’t what it used to be; the traditional three-stage life of education-work-retirement is fast moving to a ‘multi-stage’ life. Our research highlights that generation by generation on average we’re living longer, and how this is changing our relationship with work and retirement.
Responsible investing
We aim to allow you to future-proof the pension you offer your employees – being mindful of sustainability and the fragile world we live in. While people are increasingly conscious about their impact on the planet, many don’t realise that they can invest long-term savings responsibly.
*Financial wellbeing index, 2022