TargetPlan workplace pension

Our TargetPlan scheme takes into account some of the HR complexities that come with a large or diverse workforce. 

It can be challenging managing multiple payroll systems, working to various pay dates and working with a number of different contribution schemes so, we designed TargetPlan to make it easier. 

What type of workplace pensions does TargetPlan offer?

TargetPlan can support three types of defined-contribution (DC) pension scheme - a contract-based pension, a trust-based pension, or a master trust. Each scheme is simple to set up, administer, and includes flexible investment and retirement options.  

By choosing us for your workplace pension, we can also offer your employees access to other long-term savings and investment products.  

Contract and trust-based defined-contribution pensions

More ways to save

Using our online platform, you can also choose to provide employees with access to a tax-efficient stocks and shares individual savings account (ISA).

By offering a pension account and an ISA in one place, TargetPlan can allow every employee to adapt to their changing investment needs during their working life and beyond.

Trusted by employers

TargetPlan supports the workplace savings needs of many employers across the UK.

We recognise that large employers and group companies often have a variety of HR and pay-roll systems, pay scales, pay days and contribution schemes across different locations and divisions. 

Plus, with a member-specific online view, each member only sees the information that’s relevant to them. When part of Aegon Master Trust, you’ll also be able to tailor your communications for different members. 

Flexible investments

Choosing TargetPlan gives you access to our LifePath range of lifestyling funds, managed by BlackRock. This range has a built-in strategy that gradually alters its investment mix as your employees progress through their careers and prepare for retirement. 

Our LifePath funds offer a choice of retirement outcomes to match your scheme requirements – flexible (income drawdown), annuity purchase, and cash lump sums. LifePath Flexi is the default fund of this range and is ideal for those who wish to leave their savings invested and drawdown income from them. 

We also work with you to encourage members to engage with their investments, offering a selection of 192 funds (as at December 2023). The Self Select range includes funds investing in all the major types of investments or asset classes, multi-asset funds, ethical and Shariah funds. This gives your members the ability to create bespoke investment strategies to suit their needs. We’re also able to accommodate any adviser specific investment solutions outside of our existing range. 

The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and isn’t guaranteed. The value of your member’s pension pot when they come to take benefits may be less than has been paid in. 

Find out more about our investment solutions.