‘Life admin’ refers to administrative style chores and duties that we do in our everyday lives. These types of tasks aren’t always fun but staying on top of them helps to keep things moving.

Whether you prefer to batch them up, review them regularly, or even have dedicated life admin days in your calendar – working from some basic principles could help keep you focused and maybe even save you some money along the way.

So, if you’re looking for some motivation to tackle your to do list right now, check out our latest infographic. Chances are you probably do some or most of these tips already (bonus points) but this can act as a helpful reminder the next time you tackle them.

Life admin tips to save you money

The current cost-of-living crisis means saving money is likely to be a priority for many of us. Making small changes or keeping up with some 'life admin’ could help you reduce those costs without overhauling your lifestyle. Here are six ideas to get you started.

Plan your meals

It's easy to buy too truth market when you don't have a concrete idea what you're shopping for. Plus, you might be tempted to impulse buy. Having a meal plan means you know exactly what you need which reduces food waste too.

Check your expenditure

Knowing what you've got coming in and going out each month could make it easier to manage your finances. You might even spot ways to save money, such as cancelling subscriptions you never use or forgot you had.

Get cash back on online purchases

Cash back sites like TopCashback or Quidco offer rewards while you spend – it's basically free cash while you shop. Some debit and credit cards offer cash back on everyday spending too. Be careful though – make sure not to spend more just to receive the cash back reward.

Review your bills

Whether it's your TV subscription or your mobile phone contract, it's worth reviewing your bills at least once a year to check if you're still getting the best deal. Knowing competitive prices might help you to negotiate better offer too.

Always compare prices

Before you buy anything, double-check whether you can get it cheaper elsewhere. This is especially true for electricals where there are often promotions available online.

Keep on top of your pensions

Pensions can be a great way to save for the future. Keep a record of your pensions and review them every so often to see if you're on track to achieving your desired retirement income.

Keeping on top of your pensions won’t save you money but it will allow you to have a clearer picture of your finances. Remember, the value of an investment can fall as well as rise, and isn’t guaranteed. You could get back less than you invest.

Looking for more? Read our article 5 reasons to be proactive with your pension.


Generic Everyday money tips