With TargetPlan, we’re able to offer you a dependable workplace retirement savings scheme that suits client’s needs in a single scheme.  TargetPlan is designed to handle the complexities of larger employers and groups of companies who have different locations or divisions. 

We understand that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to client requirements. That’s why TargetPlan can manage situations including: 

  • Multiple payroll systems or different payroll cycles
  • Multiple pension contribution structures
  • Different investment strategies
  • Payroll processes across multiple locations, divisions, or groups of employees.

A workplace retirement savings solution that suits your client

Our workplace retirement savings schemes are simple to set up, administer, and include flexible investment and retirement options.  

More ways to save

TargetPlan schemes can be set up to include a ​stocks and shares ISA – providing tax-efficient and flexible savings options. 

By offering a pension account and an ISA in one place, it allows your client’s employees to adapt their investments to suit their changing circumstances, during their working life and beyond. 

Flexible investments

TargetPlan includes the LifePath investment range – a range of target date funds that take account of when a member plans to retire and how they wish to access their pension savings. 

The range is managed by BlackRock and includes investments that consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. Alternatively, schemes have the option of designing their own default investment strategy. 

Other investment choices

For scheme members who want select their own funds, we offer clear investment choices, with the range available dependent on the product selected. 

The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and isn't guaranteed. The final value of a member's pension pot when they come to take benefits may be less than has been paid in.  

Aegon Master Trust investments

A concise range of 28 funds (as at 31 December 2023), built by the trustees in conjunction with investment adviser, Isio. Most funds consider ESG factors as standard. 

TargetPlan investments

Nearly 200 funds (as at 31 December 2023), offering choice across a range of asset classes, plus the ability to define a core shortlist of funds that make choosing investments easier. 

Key benefits for you, your clients and their employees

TargetPlan enables you to tailor a workplace retirement savings solution that focuses on the needs of your client, and help their employees save and invest in the way that’s most appropriate for them.



Your clients can offer their employees a simple pension-only solution or combine their scheme with an ISA. There’s also full flexibility for members when they’re ready to take their benefits, including the ability to move into drawdown.

investment choice

Robust investment choice

Governed default fund options and choice across a range of asset classes, with a strong focus on responsible investment. Schemes can also tailor investments to meet their specific needs.  

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Corporate sustainability

Sustainable growth and making a positive impact in our communities, and on the environment, is an essential of what we do. Find out more about our commitment to making a positive impact.  

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Easy to manage

Your client will be able to easily manage their scheme with access to our straightforward online service as well as comprehensive reporting information.   


Management information

Our Member Insights online tool gives you and your client management information to help with scheme governance as well as the ability to send tailored messages to members to help address any governance actions. 

online tools

Resources to support auto-enrolment

Our dedicated team and simple-to-use tools can help employers feel confident managing their auto-enrolment duties, securely and reliably.  

employee engagement

Employee engagement

We can help your clients keep their employees engaged with communications that focus on the customer and use plain English. We use our customer panel to test our communications and use behavioural economics to drive member action.

online experience

Online employee experience

Employees can view their pension online and use the mobile app at their convenience, so they can easily stay engaged with their plan. No matter how complex the scheme is, we’ll make sure members only see the information that’s relevant to them.