Tax planning is an essential part of financial advice. Setting an investment up in trust or transferring existing investments into trust can be used as a key tool for the management of capital gains and inheritance tax (IHT) planning.
While trusts are often associated with the very wealthy, trust planning can be used in many different situations and can help your clients to protect and manage their assets tax-efficiently.
A client might be looking to provide for their loved ones, protect an inheritance for their family, or provide for elderly relatives.
Trust features
- It should help ensure those who matter can access the investment quicker without the delay of having to obtain probate.
- Pass on as much of a client's estate as possible to loved ones, due to possible IHT savings.
- Make sure a client's wealth is passed on to those of their choosing.
Our trust range for use with a general investment account (GIA)
We have three trust deeds your clients can use with a GIA on the Aegon Platform.

This information is based on our understanding of current taxation law and HMRC practice, which may change.
The value of any tax relief will depend on individual circumstances.